I met with Welile and Siphiwo yesterday to hear their story. Tears filled Welile’s eyes as she spoke of the struggle of being a single mother, let alone trying to take care of a child with unique needs. Her family has ostracized her because she refused to take him to a witch doctor for various pagan remedies and to dedicate him to the ancestors. She loves Siphiwo dearly, and it’s easy to see through their interactions her tender ways with him. God has gifted her with an incredible amount of patience and grace to take care of Siphiwo, and deal with the critics that don’t understand the situation. But she is weary; she has no Christian community or encouragement in her area, and she is depleted.
Her heart is simply to find a way to transcend this boundary so that she can bond with her son. She feels as though the communication barrier has hindered their relationship because she is not able to fully convey to him how much she cares for him, and likewise, he struggles to express even his basic needs. It was impossible to listen without my spirit craving that for her as well.
She has done her research, and Siphiwo needs one of two things. Either a “cochlea implant” or hearing aids. The cost for either is too great for Welile, but would open a whole realm of communication for this family of two. In the short time I spent with them, I could easily see her genuineness in believing that God will move. Her faith spoke volumes, and she said that she trusts God, and knows He will bring something to pass in His way, which may not look like either of these answers. Please prayerfully consider how you can be a part of God’s plan for Welile and Siphiwo, whether it is prayer, financial support, medical advice, or any other way you can think of.