Adventures In Missions continues to build our ministry in Nsoko, Swaziland. In the last year we have seen tremendous blessings on our ministry there. In 2009, we hope that this ministry will continue to grow and expand. We are excited to share with you what God is doing through the Nsoko project and look forward to seeing God bring hope and healing as we come alongside this village and its people. Thank you for your support and prayers.
Nsoko Numbers:
The Nsoko Project feeds approximately 700 children at 9 different care points daily.
8 teachers have been trained and received certification to teach the preschool children.
We have cared for 40 men and women who have tested positive for HIV and AIDS by providing transportation to receive their needed medical care and offered them a monthly session in a support group.
In 2008, 5 World Race teams visited Nsoko to serve and we will continue to receive teams in 2009.
In 2009, we expect approximately 250 individual short term participants.
Nsoko Construction:
Construction on a medical clinic was completed and now children and families are receiving medical care.
A playground for the children of Nsoko was built and is in active use now in Nsoko.
The community is receiving fresh water thanks to the digging of a well in the community in 2008.
Nsoko Stories:
A home was built for Nsoko resident Philile. Prior to this she was living in a small, one room shack where the walls were falling apart and the structure was close to caving in at any moment. Thankfully, we were able to build a sturdy, cement two room home for Philile and her children.
Community leader Pastor Gift and his family were able to move into the house that was built for them on the property of The Center. This will enable them to live closer to where he will be ministering to the people in the community.
We were able to renovate the home of Nsoko local Elizabeth. Prior to this she was lving in a home were theives could easily break in and harm her or the multiple children for which she is responsible. AIM replaced broken windows and installed bars over others to protect Elizabeth and the children from intruders.
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When you sponsor a child it not only provides a hot meal, clean water, discipleship, and basic medical care for the child, it also supports their family by inviting them through the gates of the CarePoint to receive training, discipleship and mentorship.
Consider linking arms with us to impact children, families, and communities in Eswatini, South Asia, or Guatemala!