The back wall of the stick and mud kitchen in Mahangeni was completely caved in. Everything that hung on it was taken down. At any moment, the kitchen was expected to collapse.
Something had to be done. It was very dangerous for the gogos (gogos are the “grandmothers”) to be cooking in the kitchen like it was. Fortunately, a team of young adults from the United States and some local businessmen made the necessary repairs.
After seeing the collapsing kitchen, the visiting team happened to talk about it while at the local grocery store in Nsoko. The conversation caught a store manager’s ear, who then felt moved to help. He told the team he would supply the necessary materials for repairing the kitchen to the team for free.

With the grocery store’s generous donation and the US team’s manpower, the gogos at Mahangeni got a new outdoor kitchen.
After the kitchen was completed the team wrote the storeowner a thank you card for his donation. They included two pictures, one of their team hard at work demolishing the old structure, and one of them triumphantly standing in front of the shiny, newly remodeled kitchen.
The storeowner was so moved by their gratitude that he said he was going to frame the thank you card and pictures and hang them up in his office.
The visiting team had the privilege to be used by God as a bridge between the local businessmen, and the needs of the community. What an amazing union! Praise God.